It turns out that a great deal of discourse is happening among the party via email regarding the Session 17. Simon is in recovery, but we still need to make the Surgery rolls to see if Clark can save his legs. Shin is taking action to attempt to prevent the DNA evidence from pointing to Simon and Clark -- he hasn't elaborated on exactly how he intends to do it. He tells me to expect his actions soon.
I'm looking at the distinct possibility that Session 18 might be a second 3075 session, rather than the planned 3076 session about the Wyrm, extending out the campaign one more session. I am very pleased that the players are getting a chance to explore some of the more significant questions that this campaign in general and Session 17 in particular raised, although I'm a bit concerned that some players are obviously taking the situation more seriously than others.
Major crimes are quite common in RPG's, both on the table and on the screen, but this Cameron and Anthony in particular are trying to play characters with very conventional sensibilities about life and death -- both characters only slowly acclimating to the idea of killing in the name of the resistance, whereas the ComStar characters have been portrayed as much more hardened killers. I feel like the fundamental difference between these views is threatening to fracture the party, but given that this is emerging from real exigence between characters, rather than players, I can hardly consider this a failure of the game.
More thoughts on possibilities tomorrow.
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