Thursday, January 26, 2012

PC's Phone Home

The next session is the 3075 session; I expect it to be the one in which the party re-establishes contact with ComStar.  Exactly how they do that is not clear to me right now, which is a problem, since Session 17 is now only four days away.  I'm assessing now how I'm going to wrap up my plot hooks as the story draws to a close over the next few sessions.  I need to write another Simon session, and re-establishing contact seems exactly the kind of thing that he'd do very well at.  I also need to wrap up the Missouri Cell arc, although not in this next session necessarily.

Simon's contacts are through the Singularity Foundation, which easily could havve contacts in ComStar ROM that might be reaching out to possible recruits on Terra.  After this comes the "broad objectives" phase of the game, in which the party plans their own missions given an goal by ROM.  If possible, I'd like to fold in a  few elements of Alex/Cho's backstory.  All that might mean reactivating the Sarna storyline and advancing the weaponized HPG storyline.  Unfortunately no coherent story is coming to mind as I think about it.  I can only hope that something pops soon.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could have the contact in the Singularity Foundation be a double cross, but the PCs are saved by a Comstar ROM. And the ROM operative has the means of secure contact, but needs the PC to get it operational?
