At present, I have a fair amount of work done on the primary encounter of Session 21, the assault on an SDS cannon during the Coalition landings on Terra. What I need to do is flesh out a little bit around it. Specifically, I need some kind of coda, something to wrap the campaign up, and possibly a "last gasp" encounter, perhaps at the ranch.
One thing I need to do is nail down exactly when things will be happening, which should give me a better sense of what order things should happen in Session 21. So, for my reference and your edification:
17 August 3078 - The Coalition Fleet shows up in orbit of Terra. (Session 21)
28 November 3078 - A nuclear blast occurs in the vicinity of Denver.
26 December 3078 - Word of Blake surrender on Terra.
To cover each of these events, I'll need three distinct operations; the SDS attack, the destruction of Denver, and the eventual Word of Blake surrender. We're planning a six-hour session, so I expect we'll have time for all this, but I'm going to want some good, exciting event for each phase of the session. The surrender seems a good coda to leave the game on, and the nuclear strike seems a reasonable post-climax stinger, if I can determine how to pull it off successfully. I'll need to review the rules for being on the edge of a nuclear blast.
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