Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Data Structures

The way that A Time of War's character information is laid out makes it slightly awkward to handle by computer, but not overly so.  Most ways you can spend XP equate directly to a number on the character sheet: Attributes and Traits have costs that are directly and easily calculable, usually just by dividing and rounding down.  Some additional data needs to be stored for Traits, such as what the valid range of points for a particular trait is, and whether it is positive or negative, but all that is relatively simple as well.

Skills are rather more complicated data structures, as the rate they translate into a bonus changes depending on which traits are present (Fast Learner and Slow Learner), and skill also have subskills, which they interact with at play-time in complex ways.  For a character sheet, though, any two subskills can be considered skill unto themselves.

All of the above I have currently explained to my computer, which has given me a solid skeleton from which to build out information processing systems that need to analyze and store A Time of War characters.  I hope to have a bit more useful tools soon.

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