Friday, June 24, 2011

Making Rent

Yesterday I talked about how much each character earns from their respective jobs. For review, the gross monthly paychecks are:

Shin: 1,280
David: 1,260
Alex: 2,500
Clark: 2,500
Simon: 640

First off, taxes. We'll use the game's base estimate that 30% of income goes to taxes of one form or another. After those costs, our characters have:

Shin: 896
David: 882
Alex: 1,750
Clark: 1,750
Simon: 448

Next, living expenses. The ComGuard live in ComStar facilities, which have a nominal cost -- 240 C-Bills a month. Assuming basic utilities and good, each of them is spending 384 C-Bills a month on food:

Shin: 512
David: 498
Alex: 1,366

Clark lives on a ranch outside of Denver. We'll count that a large house, with good utilities and quality food. (600 for the house, 120 for the utilities, 240 for the food is 960/month.)

Clark: 790

Simon lives in the city, in a one-bedroom apartment. He also has good utilities but can't quite afford quality food, for monthly expenses of 330 C-Bills.

Simon: 118 C-Bills.

Poor Simon is almost broke. Fortunately, he started the game with an enormous reserve of cash -- Wealth(3). I think he'll be just fine. Also, he is still drawing his paycheck, whereas the ComStar people can't anymore. Effectively, the party income is only 908 C-Bills per Month now.

Starting Sunday I'll be issuing statements keeping the players up to date on their finances. As money becomes more and more of an issue, they may be inspired to undertake operations just to shore up their finances, driving even more adventure. We'll see how it plays out.

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