Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Shoveling Against the Tide

OK, my plan for how I was going to cover three weeks is now complete, and I have three more weeks to go before I'll be running a session. Scheduling adults with full vacation schedules for a month is a troublesome activity.

So we're going to change pace over the next few weeks. Instead of my sultry prose, I'm going to start putting out game aids here. The first are going to be a series of flow charts I'm creating for damage resolution. Studying the combat system rules have lead me to two conclusions:

1) The damage resolution rules are very complex.

2) The damage resolution rules are quite poorly laid out in the rulebook for quick reference.

It happens that the process for resolving damage is quite different depending on the Base Damage Factor, or damage type, of the attack. For my sanity, my players' sanity, and hopefully your sanity, I'll be putting out a series of flow charts for how to resolved different BDF's (A,B,C,D, and S) over the next five days. I hope you learn as much reading them as I learned making them.

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