Monday, July 25, 2011

Spin Back Up

It is now six days to the next session of Ten Years on Terra. I really have to start assembling real, specific materials for the coming session. Time to sketch out how I expect this session to proceed. First, I'll figure out locations I need to know. Second, NPCs that need to be developed. Third, plot points need to get prepared and written. Finally, I need to put together an idea of how the party is going to proceed.

The locations are actually two fold, at least in terms of sites the PCs might go to: the site of a few campers that were reported missing and likely dead in Montana, and the town nearby. The site is fairly easy to make -- I can derive from today's terrain at that location. The town will require some actual development, buildings, layout, and other useful bits. Part of the consideration might be what items I want to be available there, and how I want to lay out other plot bits that might connect to this session. Connecting to the Sarna plot line or the Wyrm plotline is going to be very difficult, so I think the natural complication for this adventure is for them to be recognized while out in the town.

Having them recognized as ComStar personnel has two major goals: First, I want them to feel like it really is dangerous for the ComStar party to go out in public. Second, it will increase their feeling of being under siege on this world. As an added bonus, it might provoke a combat engagement that the could lay the party up for a few weeks as they recuperate. I therefore need to make sure I have adequate maps for a battle.

It makes some sense for the arc of the story for them to go to the town, be recognized, and then intercepted when they go out to the field to investigate. A set of TerraSec officers, this time. Possibly a significant formation, since they know they're dealing with somebody "armed and dangerous." I need to put a few minutes of thought into exactly what TerraSec's procedure will be, then draw up the specifics.

More on that tomorrow.

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