Session 15 was a success. It took place roughly a month after Session 14, while Clark was maintaining quarantine among the party in case they had picked anything up at the bioweapons facility. On a Saturday afternoon in the pouring rain, a seven-man mercenary team armed with non-lethal weapons infiltrated the house in an attempt to seize Shin.
This session was pretty much straight combat, as the assault team entered Clark's ranch house from multiple locations, both windows and doors, only a few seconds after the party detected them outside. They were armed primarily with flash ordnance and tranquilizer guns. The PC's developed situational awareness over the first four or five turns, and Cho managed to set the house ablaze with a microgrenade, which Simon spent most of the rest of the session attempting to extinguish.
All told, the party repelled the attack with relatively little trouble, and even managed to take one of the attackers alive. They proceeded to interrogate him, which revealed the attackers had been sent to avenge something Shin had done while on special operations on or near Sarna. They had apparently been searching for him for six years, and this was the culmination of their campaign.
Shin summarily executed the surviving element of the attack party, and they immediately began searching for the one element of the assault group that got away.
This session taught me a great deal about the way non-lethal ordnance works (or doesn't work), that I'll expound on this week.
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