Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Typing Ever On and On

I have to say, I'm starting to worry about my ability to keep making daily posts here as our game sessions keep drifting farther and farther apart; the story is wearing thin by now, I'm sure, and my read statistics are bearing out that I'm getting less and less interesting as I start writing about less choice topics.  Still, at least until I finish the campaign I'll keep updating, but consider this a warning that update frequency may start dropping.

At this stage I'm seriously thinking about how I can use the extra time between sessions to benefit my players, besides just the regular game prep I already do.  Running scenes via email seems like a very open-ended proposition, not one I'm immediately inclined to add to my current workload.  How else can I improve player experience for an hour or two a day?

I've considered setting up a campaign website several times, a place to compile all the information the players have available, to serve as a repository for things like character sheet PDF's and in-game documents the characters would have ready access to.  This seems like the most bang-for-my-buck I could hope to get, since it doesn't require making new game materials, but gives the players an opportunity to look back at the game when we're not in session.

I understand there are a variety of sites out there that provide services to do  just what I'm proposing, so reinventing the wheel might not be the way I want to go here; I'll take a survey of those sites and follow up with what I find.

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