Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chasing Alexei

My attempts to reach out to my players have (sort of) succeeded, and it appears the party will be pursuing Alexei in the next encounter.  This actually gives us an opportunity to engage the Sarna plot while continuing to use the other preparations I have made for Alexei, potentially resulting in a very fun session.

The party's Plan A, as it were, is to raid Alexei's old apartment.  I'll get them in and out, and give them a lead that takes them to California, where Alexei's resistance cell is attempting to locate the Sarna HPG that's been weaponized.  The upshot will be that the party homes in on a beacon frequency they find among Alexei's personal effects.  It leads them to the HPG, where they find Alexei and his squad members taken captive.  Session expected to end there.

The bulk of the session will be a non-combat encounter of the party trying to track down Alexei's beacon.  I'm thinking on doing this by hand, using a map of California as the board.   By using a compass and a computer, I believe I can relatively easily make an interesting skill-based challenge for the party.  Tomorrow I'll document the rules of that challenge.

Otherwise the session should be pretty straightforward -- sacking an apartment, and flying around California.  To planning!

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