Monday, March 5, 2012


I think I have many of the elements for Session 21 in transit, so I'm now turning my attention back to Session 20, now only a week away.  I still need to come up with a clever way to transition the story into the Coalition invasion.  Ideally, I want to close out Alex's plotline.  While I've managed to implicate David, if only at metagame level, I need to come up with an actual climax for this story, and I'm realizing I don't have one.

There's only one point in time and space where Alex can really learn the truth behind the Sarna attack and why his parents were killed: ROM.  Fortunately, a raid on ROM makes an excellent pen-ultimate mission.  Eliminating some elements of the Word of Blake intelligence infrastructure would be an excellent objective for the Coalition to send the party on via the new party member.

This should obviously be another very high-resistance mission, possible with multiple battle armor defenders of the facility.  I will also need to write up a fair number of in-game documents to advance the final points of Alex's plot.

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